The Ingredients
1 all-beef hot dog (I prefer Trader Joe's, as theirs are free of nitrates and a bit lower in sodium)
2/3 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder
2 eggs
2/3 cup polenta
3 tbsp butter
This recipe requires multi-tasking, so proceed with caution. I recently got a waffle maker as a surprise gift, and knew I had to start experimenting with savory waffles. The possibilities are ENDLESS.
First, boil your hot dog. It gets rid of excess sodium and plumps it up!
Now, work on the batter. In a pot, add 1/2 cup of water with a pinch of salt to a boil. Add polenta a little bit at a time to make sure it doesn't get lumpy. Continue to stir. Then, add in your butter and slowly melt it in. It will increase in size- that's how you know it will be cooking nicely. Keep this on warm.
Now, back to the hot dog. It should be hot all the way through. Rinse with cold water so you can work on it without burning yourself. Cut it into small pieces slightly smaller than croutons (this helps guarantee you get a piece in almost every bite). Set aside.
In a bowl, add your flour, baking powder, and eggs. Then, add the polenta mixture and stir in your hot dog pieces.
It should look like this!
Lightly butter your waffle maker and pour in the batter. This is enough to make two very filling waffles. Cook for a a few minutes, until the batter seems to be sticking together very well. Serve with mustard and enjoy!
By the way, this was the first waffle I EVER made. So exciting!